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Ryan Schmidt Wins the M. Buell Award for Outstanding Study in Ecology

Ryan Schmidt

I am a botanist generally interested in understanding the intersection between plants and people with a strong focus on the human impacts on botanical biodiversity, from ferns to weeds to trees. My research utilizes a combination of fieldwork, historical research, and herbarium collections—both historic and contemporary—as tools to answer botanical questions that span large temporospatial scales. I am particularly interested in the establishment and spread of historical nonnatives and the impacts that humans have had and continue to have on plant distributions.

After graduation, I will be pursuing my PhD in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Rutgers University - New Brunswick as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow working with Dr. Lena Struwe and Dr. Myla Aronson. Here, I will continue my work studying the dynamics of non-native plant introductions, and how we can use natural history collections to understand the current state of plant diversity in North America.

May 2022