Certificate in Environmental Geomatics
About the Certificate Program
The regional and global scope of environmental problems is now well established. Satellite remote sensing provides the only feasible means of monitoring large regions of the earth and its land and water resources in a timely fashion. Remotely sensed data can be combined with other resource data in a computerized geographic information system (GIS). The GIS provides a powerful set of tools to store, integrate, analyze, and graphically display vast amounts of environmental data. The Environmental Geomatics Certificate is designed to give students, regardless of major, an understanding and working knowledge of remote sensing and GIS technology and its application to environmental resource monitoring and management.
For further information contact Dr. David Smith in Blake Hall, Room 113, 732-932-9317, or dave.c.smith@rutgers.edu.
Certificate in Environmental Geomatics Learning Goals
Environmental geomatics synthesizes a number of concepts and techniques, including remote sensing, spatial analysis, geographic information information systmes (GIS), and postitioning systmes (GPS), that are used to improve the planning and management of natural resource systems. These techniques include the development of complex spatial databases from a wide range of data sources and the application of this information to solve environmental problems. The Environmental Geomatics Certificate is designed to give students, regardless of major, an understanding of remote sensing, GIS and GPS technologies and their application in environmental resource monitoring and management.
Minor in Environmental Geomatics (19 credits)
For the Minor in Environmental Geomatics seven courses are required: Spring 2017
Required Courses:
- 11:573:232 Fundamentals of Environmental Geomatics (3 cr) (no pre-req)
- 11:573:233 Fundamentals of Environmental Geomatics Lab (1 cr) ) (no pre-req)
- 11:573:362 Intermediate Environmental Geomatics (3 cr) (Pre-req 11:573:232 & 233)
- 11:573:462 Advanced Environmental Geomatics (3 cr) (Pre-req 11:573:362)
- 11:216:371 Introduction to Remote Sensing Image Analysis (3 cr) (no pre-req)
- 01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3 cr) OR equivalent
AND 1 course of the following Electives:
- 11:216:369 Analytical Methods in Ecol., Evol., & Nat. Res. (3 cr) (no pre-req)
- 11:216:474 Advanced Remote Sensing (3 cr) (Pre-req 11:573:371 OR 01:450:322)
- 11:573:437 Spatial Data Visualization and Map Design (3cr) (Pre-req 11:573:232 & 233 OR equivalent)
- 11:216:450 Landscape Ecology (3cr) (Pre-req 11:216:361)
For further information, contact Dave Smith in ENR, room 127 (dave.c.smith@rutgers.edu) 848-932-1586