Goal 1: Explain basic population, community ecology, and ecosystem-level concepts.
Goal 2: Describe the evolutionary origins, processes and patterns over geologic time.
Goal 3: Create a natural resource management plan demonstrating an understanding of societal values and interests.
Goal 4: Effectively utilize software, hardware, field and laboratory techniques commonly used in the study of ecology, evolution, and natural resources management.
Goal 5: Use quantitative methods to analyze and understand ecological systems, incluing interpretataion ofnumeric and graphical data.
Goal 6: Communicate effectively orally and through written text and graphics.
Goal 7: Evaluate ecology, evolution, and natural resource management concepts in a global context.
01:119:115-116 AND 117
Required Courses
11:216:104 Topics in Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources (1 cr)
11:216:210 Principles of Natural Resource Management (4 cr)
11:216:251 Fundamentals of Evolution (3 cr)
11:216:252 Fundamentals of Evolution Lab (1 cr)
11:216:351 Principles of Ecology (3 cr)
11:216:352 Principles of EcologyLab (1 cr)
Ecology (1 course)
11:216:272 Dendrology (4 cr)
11:216:296 Honors Seminar (3 cr)
11:216:302 Parasite Ecology (4 cr)
11:216:317 Conservation Ecology (3 cr)
11:216:332 Plant Ecology (4 cr)
11:216:435 Freshwater and Wetland Ecosystems (4 cr)
11:216:360 Animal Physiological Ecology (3 cr)
11:216:422 Soil Organismal Diversity (3 cr)
11:216:450 Landscape Ecology (3 cr)
11:216:451 Global Change and Ecology (3 cr)
11:216:487 Urban Ecology (3 cr)
Evolution (1 course)
11:216:240 Behavioral Biology (3 cr)
11:216:269 Evolution of Animal Behavior (3 cr)
11:216:296 Honors Seminar (3 cr)
11:216:323 Ornithology (4 cr)
11:216:324 Invertebrate Zoology (4 cr)
11:216:325 Vertebrate Zoology (4 cr)
11:216:353 Experimental Evolution (4 cr)
11:216:405 Evolution of Infectious Diseases (3 cr)
11:216:411 Plant Diversity and Evolution (3 cr) + 11:216:412 Plant Diversity and Evolution Lab (1 cr)
11:216:441 Animal Behavior (3 cr)
11:216:454 Molecular Ecology (3 cr)
Natural Resources/Techniques (1 course)
11:216:210 Nature Journaling (3 cr)
11:216:274 Field Techniques (4 cr)
11:216:315 Conservation Techniques (3 cr)
11:216:320 Controversies in Sustainability (3 cr)
11:216:365 Arboriculture (4 cr)
11:216:371 Introduction to Remote Sensing Image Analysis (3 cr)
11:216:403 Urban Forestry (3 cr)
11:216:464 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (4 cr)
11:216:469 Wildlife Diseases (3 cr)
11:216:471 Silviculture (3 cr)
11:216:474 Advanced Remote Sensing (3 cr)
11:216:475 Winter Field Ecology (1 cr)
11:216:488 Restoration Ecology (4 cr)
11:573:232 Fundamentals of Environmental Geomatics (3 cr) + 1:573:233 Fundamentals of Environmental Geomatics Lab (1 cr)