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Incorporating the Sustainability Minor into the EENR Major

For Ecology, Evolution & Natural Resource students who are interested in completing the Minor in Sustainability, we have compiled a list of courses (see below) that will NOT only fulfill some categories in the EENR Major but ALSO fulfill the Sustainability Minor. You are not compelled to only take these courses listed below, this is meant as a suggestion. Information in this document should be verified as changes to course designations happen all the time.

Note: To get a minor in sustainability only three additional courses would need to be taken that do not also satisfy either the EENR requirements/electives or core credit in SEBS or both.

The sustainability minor consists of:

Foundations (9 cr) – all must be taken to get sustainability minor


Fulfills a SEBS Core

Fulfills an EENR requirement

Fulfills a Sustainability minor requirement

Introduction to Sustainability (11:374:299) - Fall




Sustainability Decision Tools (11:373:202) - Spring




Controversies in Sustainability (11:216:320) - Spring




  1. Areas of Inquiry – take 1 course in each area

A. Resource Management Systems


Fulfills a SEBS Core

Fulfills a fisheries minor requirement or elective

Fulfills a Sustainability minor requirement or elective

Principles of Natural Resource Management (11:216:217)



RMS elective

Conservation Ecology (11:216:317)


Functional Systems

RMS elective

Global Change and Ecology (11:216:451)


Functional Systems

RMS elective

Conservation Techniques (11:216:315)


Techniques-Analytical Methods

RMS elective

Urban Ecology (11:216:487)


Functional Systems

RMS elective

Wetland Ecology (11:216:421)


Functional Systems

RMS elective

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (11:216:464)


Techniques-Analytical Methods and Functional Systems

RMS elective

Restoration Ecology (11:216:488)



RMS elective

Soils and Water (11:375:360)


Non-216 Elective

RMS elective

Principles of Air Pollution (11:375:421)


Non-216 Elective

RMS elective

B. Governance


Fulfills a SEBS Core

Fulfills a fisheries minor requirement or elective

Fulfills a Sustainability minor requirement or elective

US Environmental policy (11:374:313)


Non-216 Elective

GOV elective

Natural resource policy (11:374:314)


Non-216 Elective

GOV elective

C. Economics and Social Systems


Fulfills a SEBS Core

Fulfills a fisheries minor requirement or elective

Fulfills a Sustainability minor requirement or elective

Natural Resources Economics (11:373:362)

SCL-Gov. & Reg. Analysis

Non-216 Elective

ESS elective

Environmental Economics (11:373:363)


Non-216 Elective

ESS elective

Practicum (3 cr) – must take the following


Fulfills a SEBS Core

Fulfills a fisheries minor requirement or elective

Fulfills a Sustainability minor requirement or elective

Practicum in Sustainability (11:374:399)


