Aishwarya "Ash" Bhattacharjee (BS '15)

Ash Bhattacharjee (BS '15) is a recent graduate of the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Natural Resources. Ash spent the summer working as a Programme Intern for the Avian Species Team with the United Nations Environmental Programme/Convention of Migratory Species. Working under the supervision of Dr. Borja Heredia, Ash experienced various aspects of the work of a United Nations Secretariat and an international network of organizations working on conservation of migratory species. She contributed to team through a variety of tasks working on bird poisoning in the South African region, the Siberian Crane Memorandum of Understanding and drafting a background report on land use change in West Africa and its impact on migratory landbirds, in the framework of the Africa-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan. Currently, Ash has begun graduate school with a doctoral fellowship at the City University of New York. She will be working in Dr. Jose Anadón's lab, studying the impact of anthropogenic changes in the form of climate and land-use change on biodiversity as it relates to international conservation and management strategies.