Serena Celestino wins the Rutgers 2018 Intern Excellence Award

I won the Intern Excellence Award based on my work with The Marine Academy of Technology & Environmental Science (M.A.T.E.S.) which works with many state and private ecological organizations. Through M.A.T.E.S., I worked on projects mainly with Project Terrapin & Jenkinson's Aquarium. I was granted a position after my internship to continue working on these projects. I will be leading new interns this summer.
I worked on mark-recapture studies and conservation of the Diamondback Terrapin, soil research for The Center for Research and applied Barnegat Bay Studies, report writing for The NJ Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, an array of data analysis, and some website management. I even implemented a more efficient and accurate data collection method for the terrapin research.
I managed the Blue Crab Conservation Project which over time will make a huge impact across the east coast. I used 3D engineering design to create an attention grabbing crab sizing gauge that will support environmental awareness & public education. Some of the concepts I utilized were learned during a Rutgers environmental education class. You should expect to see my work at your local crabbing spots this summer.
- My advice to future interns:
- Be proactive. If there is a company you are interested in just email someone and ask about it.
- Offer assistance in projects outside of your original duties.
- Be thorough in your work! Many interns were not thorough and not invited back. Your time and data is a waste if not complete or accurate.
- Don't just complete an internship for the sake of resume building and/or credit. Do something that you will learn from and enjoy.