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Julia Cancro Wins Ning Moeller Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship

Major: Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources

Minor or certificate: Marine Sciences

Award name: Ning Moeller Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship

It was on annual trips to Providenciales, Turks and Caicos, that I first discovered my passion for marine ecology. From a young age, I unknowingly began conducting my own observational studies on the resident corals, crabs, and sea stars living in the interconnected tidal pools. I would spend hours observing the biotic and abiotic processes that shape intertidal community structure. I realized I could make a career of something I found so fascinating, and thus began my journey as an EENR student at Rutgers, with a minor in Marine Sciences.

Taking courses such as Invertebrate Zoology, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, and Oceanographic Methods and Data Analysis, really allowed me to explore the intersection of ecology and marine science. In the near future, I plan to gain more hands-on research experience, ultimately drawing upon the knowledge acquired from my courses and professors in both the EENR and DMCS departments at Rutgers. Ultimately, I hope to return to academia to pursue a graduate degree and remain in academia as a professor.

June 2024