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Aidan Dannenfelser Wins the Smouse Award for an Outstanding Student in Evolution

Aidan Dannenfelser
Aidan Dannenfelser

Major: Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources

Minor or certificate: Certificate in Environmental Geomatics

Award name: Smouse Award for an Outstanding Student in Evolution

My five years at Rutgers taught me a great deal about both the natural world and my humanity, two topics which are inextricably linked. I hope to be of service to both in whatever small way I can, working with communities and conducting field research, for wildlife conservation and, as a result, for human survival.

If I can travel the state, I will be thrilled. If I can travel the country, I will be amazed. If I can travel the world, I will be awestruck. But no matter where I go, the wonders of nature and evolution will always astound and humble me, as they have my entire life. Whether in Ithaca, New York, Rockaway, New Jersey, or here in New Brunswick, nature has always given me calm, given me purpose, and given me joy. I know the path will be a long one with many roots and rocks along the way, but I look forward to taking my first steps. I hope to remind as many people as I can that we are all connected in this ecological web: to each other, and to our planet. And so, we must take care of both.

June 2024