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News and Events

Bachan Amanda

EENR Student, Amanda Bachan, Selected to Speak at 2024 EOF Graduation Ceremony »

Photo: Installation of a pollinator habitat.

Dr. Kim Russell's Bee Team Installs Pollinator Habitats in NYC - Collaborating with The Hort and NYC DOT »

Photo: Dr. Marci Meixler.

Marci Meixler Receives Outstanding Educator Award from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection »

Photo: Fitz Dettmer, Ryan Schmidt, Blair Young at the Botany 2023 conference

Members of the Struwe Lab Received Awards during the Botany 2023 Conference »

Photo: Jason Grabosky.

Jason Grabosky Elected to Serve on the Board of Directors for the International Society of Arboriculture »


Photo: Lucy Yang.

Lucy Yang (SEBS'23) Dreams of Building More Resilient Environments for Nature and Humans

See the Story in the SEBS and NJAES Newsroom »

Rae Winfree.

Two faculty named 2023 AAAS fellows—Rae Winfree »

Malin Pinsky

Two faculty named 2023 AAAS fellows—Malin Pinsky »

Photo: Courtesy of Matthew Drews

Brooke Maslo's Efforts to Increase Climate Resiliency in NJ »

Jason Grabosky

Jason Grabosky Honored by Municipal Arborists »

Photo: Julie Lockwood.

Trade in Pet Amphibians and the Risk of Pathogen Spillover »

Photo: Cover of textbook.

New Textbook on Conservation Techniques Available »

Morgan Mark and Ryan Schmidt.

Two of Rutgers' Brightest Continue Their Work in Graduate School

Senior Story: Morgan Mark (SEBS’22), Studing Wildlife to Protect Human Health »

Senior Story: Ryan Schmidt (SEBS’22), Ecology is Music to His Ears »

Myla Aronson

Myla Aronson and Colleagues Receive the Ecological Society of America's 2022 Sustainability Science Award »


Shark. Photo by David Clode on Unsplash.

Fish on the Move, but Not Fast Enough for Climate Change »

Article in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Ruffled lichen

Ninth Personal Bioblitz Aims to Break Records, Again »

Photo: Bobby Kwait holds an eastern copperhead snake

Maslo Lab Members Combine Expertise to Research Snake Fungal Disease »

Story in the SEBS/NJAES Newsroom

Photo: Julie Lockwood

Julie Lockwood Named Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science »

Photo: Morgan Mark.

Morgan Mark Awarded the 2021 Cookingham Scholarship »

Morgan Mark's award feature in the SEBS/NJAES Newsroom

Photo: Alexandra Mazza.

Alexandra Mazza Wins ESA Student Competition »

Photo: Large trees near a street.

Undergraduates Ryan Schmidt and Brianna Casario Inform NJ Municipalities on Urban Forestry Program Guidelines »

Photo: Hibernating little brown bat cc Eden Buenaventura

Former Postdoctoral Scholar Sarah Gignoux-Wolfsohn Discussing Her Recent Paper Documenting Rapid Evolution of Bats Affected by White-Nose Syndrome in National Geographic (PDF) »

Molecular Ecology 10.1111/mec.15813

Photo: Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, swim under a shipwreck laden with invertebrates in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.

Overfishing of Atlantic Cod Likely Did Not Cause Genetic Changes, Study Led by Malin Pinsky Finds »

PNAS 10.1073/pnas.2025453118

Photo: Eva Popp

Eva Popp, G.H. Cook Scholar and Outstanding Student in Natural Resources, Wins Young Botanist Award from the Botanical Society of America »

Photo: Coyote image courtesy of Ivan Kuraev.

How Did Coyotes Become Regular City Slickers? »

Live Sciences quotes Kathleen Kerwin in a story about coyotes.

Photo: Rachael Winfree.

Rachael Winfree Elected 2021 Ecological Society of America Fellows »

ESA Press Release

Photo: Steven Handel.

Steven Handel Elected 2021 Ecological Society of America Fellows »

ESA Press Release

Photo: Bat - photo courtesy of Gignoux-Wolfsohn.

WNS-Induced Selection in Bats May Drive Genetic Resistance to the Disease, Genomic Analysis Shows »

Photo: Secaucus High School Wetlands Enhancement Site.

Opportunities to Design for Positive Conservation Outcomes in Urbanized Areas »

While cities have well-documented negative impacts on the environment, in a recent Bioscience article, Dr. Erica Spotswood, Dr. Myla Aronson, and colleagues identify five pathways by which cities can benefit regional biodiversity. Pathways include release from surrounding pressures, availability of many different habitat types, availability of stopover habitat for migratory species, increased genetic diversity, and opportunity for stewardship and engagement. Considering the positive roles cities can play for biodiversity support can highlight opportunities for urban planning and design to create better cities for people and the environment.

Photo: John Wiedenmann.

John Wiedenmann Was Recognized with the CINAR Fellowship in Quantitative Fisheries and Ecosystem Science »

Photo: Malin Pinsky

Pinsky Named a 2021 Earth Leadership Fellow »

Photo courtesy of Katrina A. Catalano.

Big Differences in How Coral Reef Fish Larvae are Dispersed »

Photo: Deer

Rutgers Cooperative Extension’s Kathleen Kerwin Offers Tips for Avoiding Deer-Vehicle Collisions During the Fall Breeding Season »

Photo: Bernard Isaacson

Ecology & Evolution PhD Candidate Bernard Isaacson Recognized for Research on Forest Water Use in the New Jersey Pinelands »

Photo: Laurie Ferreras

Laurie Ferreras (SEBS’21) Featured in National Transfer Student Week Newsroom Series »

Photo: Land development

Land Development in New Jersey Continues to Slow

A team of researchers from Rutgers and Rowan Universities have recently completed a study examining New Jersey’s urban growth and land use change over the past three decades. The report notes that the conversion of green space to new urban development has continued to slow from its historic high pace of new urban development in the 1990’s and 2000’s.

Photo: Brooke Maslo at the Barnegat Lighthouse

Barnegat Lighthouse Habitat Restoration Project (video) »

This project is a cooperative effort between the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ, Rutgers University, the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife to improve habitat suitability for endangered beach-nesting birds, especially the Piping Plover.

Photo: Manhatten Tundra Tops. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Demaray

Elizabeth Demaray is Named 1st SciArt Resident at Chrysler Herbarium »

Photo: Black Crappie fish. Photo credit: Nicolas Pollock

E&E's Personal Bioblitz Highlighted by JSTOR »

Scientists Nicholas B. Pollock, Natalie Howe, Ivelisse Irizarry, Nicholas Lorusso, Ariel Kruger, Kurtis Himmler, and Lena Struwe suggest that longer-term “personal BioBlitzes” can be beneficial in combating “species blindness” and the lack of awareness of biodiversity, even in heavily urban areas.

Photo: Dr. Julie Lockwood

Professor Julie Lockwood Honored with Graduate Faculty Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award »

Photo: Agapostemon

Paper Published in Global Ecology & Biogeography, Led by Former Postdoc Mark Genung »

Comparing the importance of biodiversity to ecosystem function between experiments and larger-scale, real-world systems

Photo: A bumble bee pollinating a blueberry bush. Photo: Winfree lab

Congratulations to James Reilly Whose Paper on Pollination Limitation in Crop Plants Was Published In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London»

Photo: Ed Tekwa

Rutgers Postdoc Wins Ecological Society of America's Outstanding Theory Paper Award of 2019 »

Photo: 2020 Award winners Hailey Conrad, Ameen Lofti, Kiera Malone, Robert Porch, Anna Bashkirova, Adam Yawdoszyn

2020 Senior Graduation Award Winners Hailey Conrad, Ameen Lofti, Kiera Malone, Robert Porch, Anna Bashkirova, and Adam Yawdoszyn »

Photo: Red knot. Image courtesy of Brian Schumm

Brooke Maslo et al. Find Oyster Aquaculture Has Little Impact on Red Knots »

Photo: Bee on plant

Rae Winfree Awarded a NSF Grant

Rae Winfree was awarded a NSF grant in the Division of Environmental Biology, Population & Community Ecology, to investigate the role of bee biodiversity in pollination of entire plant communities, using data the Winfree lab has collected on plant-pollinator networks. June 2020

Photo: Hailey Conrad

Hailey Conrad's Senior Story is featured in the SEBS Newsroom »


HMF in April 2020. Image courtesy of Myla Aronson

The Hutcheson Memorial Forest—A Unique Natural Resources Only 20 Minutes From Campus »


Photo: Cardinal. Image courtesy of Deborah Zitomer

Celebrate Nature in Your Own Backyard »

Myla Aronson and Lena Struwe quoted in Rutgers Today article on how to honor the 50th Earth Day

Photo: Green iguana by Pixabay dengmo

Julie Lockwood Elected 2020 Fellow of the Ecological Society of America »


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