Morgan Mark Awarded the 2021 Cookingham Scholarship
The NJ Chapter of The Wildlife Society ( NJTWS ) awarded Morgan Mark the Russell A. Cookingham scholarship from the New Jersey Chapter of The Wildlife Society (TWS). This $1,000 annual scholarship is made possible by an endowment from Russell A. Cookingham, former Director of the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife. The award is to assist Morgan in completing her undergraduate work in the field of wildlife ecology.
Morgan is a senior undergraduate at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. Morgan is an engineering major who joined Brooke Maslo's lab in 2020, with a fervent desire to merge engineering and ecology. In just a few short months, Morgan had completely immersed herself in ecology. She has played an integral part in some of Dr. Maslo's floodplain restoration designs to improve climate resiliency in Woodbridge. She rose to become the President of the Rutgers student chapter of The Wildlife Society. In addition to her schoolwork, Morgan has quickly gained field experience working with copperhead snakes, turtles, red foxes, and shorebirds. She is completing her George H. Cook Scholars Program research on snake fungal disease.
Morgan Mark collecting swab samples from a northern water snake (left) and eastern garter snake (right)
to investigate the prevalence and seasonality of snake fungal disease.
Morgan Mark's award feature in the SEBS/NJAES Newsroom »
December 2021