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E B Moore Forestry Award 2016
Tiffany Bennett and Gemma Milly

Photo: Tiffany Bennett As she completes her undergraduate career, Tiffany Bennett has 'narrowed down' her interests to include forestry, community/urban gardening, and pollination ecology. Her passion for trees was fostered through her experience as an undergraduate teaching assistant for Dr. Mark Vodak in Dendrology and her internship as an assistant forester with Gracie & Harrigan Consulting Foresters. As an undergraduate recipient of a Murray and Helen Buell research scholarship, she worked with graduate student Bethanne Bruninga-Socolar under Dr. Rachael Winfree's guidance studying communities of native pollinators in Montana and Idaho. She will continue her work with Bethanne on-site in Montana for a few weeks of field research, and her ultimate hope is for a position in Olympic National Park – or anywhere that redwoods grow.

Photo: Gemma Milly Gemma Milly is 'turned on' by nature: she has always sought happiness and tranquility through being a close observer of nature. Her experiences have inspired her to continue conducting research and creating art about nature and ecology. Her independent research project focused on the monitoring and conservation of rare plants on the Sourland Mountain in New Jersey. She sees her future in finding new things, and in protecting and providing stewardship for native species.