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Thomas Giles

Peter S. Smouse Award for Outstanding Student in Evolution
Award winner Thomas Giles.

It certainly has been a long and twisted road that I have navigated throughout my journey of life. And less than one month before I celebrate my 40th rotation around the sun, I will finally be able to call myself a college graduate. Prior to this chapter closing, I have already begun working on my next steps. With almost one year completed in the Rutgers GSE teacher education program, I am on pace to be starting my next career as a middle school science teacher by fall of 2022.

As I think about my future as an educator, I cannot help but reflect on the last few years that I have spent here at Rutgers. I have been blessed with a fantastic group of friends and mentors that are sure to remain a significant part of my life for many years to come. Through multiple collaborations on projects and assignments, I have been able to store a multitude of ideas that will be exciting and effective for my future students.

None of my academic achievements would have been possible without the love and support of my family. My wife Christin had to not only work harder to support our family while I was attending classes full-time, she had to put up with my relentless complaints about calculus, physics and homework in general. With her support, I was able to complete this rigorous journey and provide evidence to my two amazing daughters that anything is possible, as long as you never give up.

May 2021