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2022 G.H. Cook Scholars

G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Julia R. Brennan
“Effects of Forest Thinning on Tick Populations and Prevalence of Tick-borne Pathogens in the New Jersey Pinelands Reserve”
Joint Advisors: Dina Fonseca and Henry John-Alder
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Anthony T. Darrow
“Survival of Northern Diamondback Terrapins in The Lower Great Bay”
Advisor: Brooke Maslo
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Gabriella Cano
“Increasing Rutgers Forest Carbon Stock through Afforestation and Reforestation”
Advisor: Richard Lathrop
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Emily C. Hughes
“Trends of Herbivory in Trifolium repens Using Herbarium Specimens”
Advisor: Myla Aronson
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Evanna Jaramillo
“Assessing the Range and Microbiome Composition of the Sand Fly Lutozmyia Vexator (Diptera: Psychodidae) in New Jersey”
Advisor: Dana Price
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Steven W. Mayer
“Testing Reemergence of Highly Specialized Populations of phi 6”
Advisor: Siobain Duffy
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Marcellus J. Murray II
“Resource Competition between Honeybees and Native Bee Species”
Advisor: Kimberly Russell
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Rhea D. Rajpal
“Habitat Preference of Melanistic Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) on a Local Scale”
Advisor: Myla Aronson
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Ryan J. Schmidt
“Ballast Species: Using Herbarium Data to Understand the Impact of Historical Trade on the Flora of New Jersey”
Advisor: Lena Struwe
G.H.Cook scholar. Zoom in
Megan E. Spina
“Exploring the Role of Unexplained Mortality in the Management of New England Fisheries”
Advisor: John Wiedenmann