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Brooke Maslo illuminates restoration of the floodplain projects in 30 minute interview on Greenable Woodbridge TV

Photo: Dr. Brooke Maslo

The Wildlife Conservation and Management Program and Water Resources Programs within Cooperative Extension are assisting Woodbridge Township in the restoration of the floodplain within the town. This endeavor is part of a NJ Blue Acres initiative, in which the township acquired ~200 properties within the flood zone. Our groups are collaborating on the creation and implementation of a floodplain and open space restoration plan, which will increase flood storage capacity, create wildlife habitat, and add passive recreational opportunities. Dr. Brooke Maslo, Extension Specialist in Wildlife Ecology and Assistant Professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, was a guest on the Greenable Woodbridge TV show, provided below:

See the video on Youtube:

June 2016